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2024-07-28 12:15:44

  《Reflection》是迪士尼动画电影《花木兰》(1998年的片尾曲,由克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera演唱。这首歌曲的歌词深情地表达了花木兰内心的挣扎、自我发现和对真实自我的追求。以下是这首歌的部分歌词:

  Look at me,

  You may think you see who I really am,

  But you'll never know me.

  Every day,

  It's as if I play a part,

  Now I see,

  If I wear a mask, I can fool the world,

  But I cannot fool my heart.

  Who is that girl I see,

  Staring straight back at me?

  When will my reflection show,

  Who I am inside?

  In a world where I have to hide my heart,

  And what I believe in.

  But somehow,

  I will show the world,

  What's inside my heart,

  And be loved for who I am.

  Who is that girl I see,

  Staring straight back at me?

  Why is my reflection someone,

  I don't know?

  Must I pretend that I'm,

  Someone else for all time?

  When will my reflection show,

  Who I am inside?

  There's a heart that must be free to fly,

  That burns with a need to know,

  The reason why.

  Why must we all conceal,

  What we think, how we feel?

  Must there be a secret me,

  I'm forced to hide?

  I won't pretend that I'm,

  Someone else for all time.

  When will my reflection show,

  Who I am inside?

  When will my reflection show,

  Who I am inside?

